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产品图片 产品名称 制造商 描述说明 询价
Maxim IntegratedMAX3395EETC+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX3395EETC+T Maxim Integrated 转换 - 电压电平 +/-15kV ESD-Protected, High-Drive Current, Dual-/Quad-/Octal-Level Translators with Speed-Up Circuitry
Texas InstrumentsSN74128NSR 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74128NSR Texas Instruments 逻辑门 2-Input NOR Line
Texas InstrumentsSN74HC02NS 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74HC02NS Texas Instruments 逻辑门
Texas InstrumentsSN10KHT5541DW 默认Thumbnail
595-SN10KHT5541DW Texas Instruments 转换 - 电压电平 Octal ECLtoTTL Trans With 3-State Output
Nexperia74AUP1T08GXH 默认Thumbnail
771-74AUP1T08GXH Nexperia 转换 - 电压电平 74AUP1T08GX/SOT1226/X2SON5
ToshibaTC4053BFTEL 默认Thumbnail
757-TC4053BFTEL Toshiba 编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器 CMOS Logic IC 6ns 3.0 to 18V
Maxim IntegratedMAX9394EHJ+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX9394EHJ+ Maxim Integrated 编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器 2:1 Multiplexers and 1:2 Demultiplexers with Loopback
Nexperia74LVT08PW,118 默认Thumbnail
771-74LVT08PW-T Nexperia 逻辑门 74LVT08PW/SOT402/TSSOP14
Texas InstrumentsSN74HCS165QDRQ1 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74HCS165QDRQ1 Texas Instruments 计数器移位寄存器 Automotive 8-bit parallel-load shift registers 16-SOIC -40 to 125
Nexperia74LV244ATPWJ 默认Thumbnail
771-74LV244ATPWJ Nexperia 缓冲器和线路驱动器 74LV244ATPW/SOT360/TSSOP20
Nexperia74LV04ATPWJ 默认Thumbnail
771-74LV04ATPWJ Nexperia 变换器 74LV04ATPW/SOT402/TSSOP14
Nexperia74AUP1G14GX4-Q100Z 默认Thumbnail
771-74AUP1G14GX4Q10Z Nexperia 变换器 74AUP1G14GX4-Q100/SOT1269/X2SO
Texas InstrumentsSN74HCS573RKSR 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74HCS573RKSR Texas Instruments 闭锁 Octal transparent D-type latches with 3-state outputs and Schmitt-trigger inputs 20-VQFN -40 to 125
Texas InstrumentsSN74HCS157QDRQ1 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74HCS157QDRQ1 Texas Instruments 缓冲器和线路驱动器 Quadruple 2-to-1 multiplexer with Schmitt-trigger inputs 16-SOIC -40 to 125
Texas InstrumentsSN74HCS30DR 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74HCS30DR Texas Instruments 逻辑门 8-input NAND gate with Schmitt-trigger inputs 14-SOIC -40 to 125
Texas InstrumentsSN74AXCH1T45DBVR 默认Thumbnail
595-SN74AXCH1T45DBVR Texas Instruments 转换 - 电压电平 Single-bit dual-supply bus transceiver 6-SOT-23 -40 to 125
Texas InstrumentsSN74HCS238QBQBRQ1 默认Thumbnail
595-N74HCS238QBQBRQ1 Texas Instruments 编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器 Automotive 3-to-8 line decoder demultiplexer inverting and non-inverting 16-WQFN -40 to 125
Broadcom / AvagoAEIC-7273-S16 默认Thumbnail
630-AEIC-7273-S16 Broadcom / Avago 缓冲器和线路驱动器 Quad Diff
Nexperia74LVC08ABQ,115 默认Thumbnail
771-LVC08ABQ115 Nexperia 逻辑门 74LVC08ABQ/SOT762/DHVQFN14
Analog DevicesADG3231BRJZ-REEL7 默认Thumbnail
584-ADG3231BRJZ-R7 Analog Devices 转换 - 电压电平 1.65V TO 3.6V, Uni-Direct LT I.C.

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