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产品图片 产品名称 制造商 描述说明 询价
NisshinboNJW4617DL3-TE1 默认Thumbnail
513-NJW4617DL3-TE1 Nisshinbo LED照明驱动器 Constant Current LED Driver PWM 40V 450uA
Diodes IncorporatedPAM2803AAF095 默认Thumbnail
621-PAM2803AAF095 Diodes Incorporated LED照明驱动器 3W 1A Step-Up Cnvtr
onsemiCAT4004BHU2-GT3 默认Thumbnail
863-CAT4004BHU2-GT3 onsemi LED照明驱动器 LED DRIVER 4 CHAN EZ
Diodes IncorporatedAL5801W6Q-7 默认Thumbnail
621-AL5801W6Q-7 Diodes Incorporated LED照明驱动器 100V Adj Curr Sink Lin LED Dvr 350mA
Texas InstrumentsLM3466MRX/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM3466MRX/NOPB Texas Instruments LED照明驱动器 Smart Linear LED Driver
Texas InstrumentsONET1151PRGTT 默认Thumbnail
595-ONET1151PRGTT Texas Instruments 激光驱动器 11.3Gbps Limiting Amplifier
Maxim IntegratedMAX16824AUE+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX16824AUE Maxim Integrated LED照明驱动器 High-Voltage, Three-Channel Linear High-Brightness LED Drivers
Maxim IntegratedMAX6978AUE+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX6978AUE+ Maxim Integrated LED显示驱动器 8-Port, 5.5V Constant-Current LED Driver With LED Fault De
Maxim IntegratedMAX6922AQH+D 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX6922AQHD Maxim Integrated VFD驱动器 27-, 28-, and 32-Output, 76V, Serial-Interfaced VFD Tube Drivers
Maxim IntegratedMAX16839ATT+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX16839ATT+T Maxim Integrated LED照明驱动器 High-Voltage, Linear High-Brightness LED Driver with Open-LED FaultDetect
ROHM SemiconductorBD6072HFN-TR 默认Thumbnail
755-BD6072HFN-TR ROHM Semiconductor LED照明驱动器 WHITE 3.1-5.5V
Microchip TechnologyMIC3202YME 默认Thumbnail
998-MIC3202YME Microchip Technology LED照明驱动器 37V/ 1A HBLED Driver with High-Side Current Sense
Microchip TechnologyTC7106ACPL 默认Thumbnail
579-TC7106ACPL Microchip Technology LCD 驱动器 w/LCD Driver
Maxim IntegratedMAX16802BEUA+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX16802BEUAT Maxim Integrated LED照明驱动器 Offline and DC-DC PWM Controllers for High-Brightness LED Drivers
Microchip TechnologyHV9861ANG-G 默认Thumbnail
Maxim IntegratedMAX6957ATL+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX6957ATL Maxim Integrated LED显示驱动器 4-Wire-Interfaced, 2.5V to 5.5V, 20-Port and 28-Port LED Display Driver and I/O Expander
Diodes IncorporatedAL5814QMP-13 默认Thumbnail
621-AL5814QMP-13 Diodes Incorporated LED照明驱动器 LED Linear Driver
Texas InstrumentsDLP5534AFYKQ1 默认Thumbnail
595-DLP5534AFYKQ1 Texas Instruments 显示驱动器和控制器 DLP® automotive 0.55-inch 405nm digital micromirror device (DMD) 149-CPGA -40 to 105
Maxim IntegratedMAX8790ETP+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX8790ETP Maxim Integrated LED照明驱动器 High-Efficiency, 6-String, White-LED (WLED) Driver with Active Current Balancing for LCD Panel Applications
Microchip TechnologyHV9921N8-G 默认Thumbnail
689-HV9921N8-G Microchip Technology LED照明驱动器 Switchmode PWM

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