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产品图片 产品名称 制造商 描述说明 询价
Texas InstrumentsSN74LV4040AMPWREP 默认Thumbnail
595-N74LV4040AMPWREP Texas Instruments 计数器 IC EP 12B Asynch Binary Counter
Texas InstrumentsTLV7012DSGR 默认Thumbnail
595-TLV7012DSGR Texas Instruments 模拟比较器 Micropower small size comparator (dual, push-pull output) 8-WSON -40 to 125
Analog DevicesAD8336ACPZ-WP 默认Thumbnail
584-AD8336ACPZ-WP Analog Devices 特殊用途放大器 Gen Purpose, Single End VGA
Texas InstrumentsLM393LVDSGR 默认Thumbnail
595-LM393LVDSGR Texas Instruments 模拟比较器 1.65-V to 5.5-V, low voltage dual commodity comparator 8-WSON -40 to 125
Analog DevicesLT8491EUKJ#PBF 默认Thumbnail
584-LT8491EUKJ#PBF Analog Devices 电池管理 Hi V, Hi C Buck-Boost Bat Ch Cntr w/ Max
ROHM SemiconductorBD33C0AFP2-CE2 默认Thumbnail
755-BD33C0AFP2-CE2 ROHM Semiconductor 低压差稳压器 HIGH-SIDE REGULATOR
Maxim IntegratedMAX488CSA+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX488CSAT Maxim Integrated RS-422/RS-485 接口 IC Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
Maxim IntegratedMAX17320G10+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX17320G10+ Maxim Integrated 电池管理 2-4 Cell Fuel Gauge with ModelGauge m5 EZ, Protector and SHA-256 Authentication
STMicroelectronicsTS274IPT 默认Thumbnail
511-TS274IPT STMicroelectronics 运算放大器 - 运放 Micropwr wide range input offset voltage
Analog DevicesLT1125MPSW#PBF 默认Thumbnail
584-LT1125MPSW#PBF Analog Devices 精密放大器 Quad Low Noise, High Speed Precision Op Amp
Texas InstrumentsTL441CNSR 默认Thumbnail
595-TL441CNSR Texas Instruments 对数放大器 LOGARITHMIC AMP
Texas InstrumentsTL092CPSR 默认Thumbnail
595-TL092CPSR Texas Instruments 运算放大器 - 运放 JFET-input Oper Amplifier
Maxim IntegratedMAX17687ATP+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX17687ATP+ Maxim Integrated 开关稳压器 4.5V to 60V Input, Ultra-Small, High-Efficiency, Iso-Buck DC-DC Converter
ToshibaTLP241A(D4,LF1,F 默认Thumbnail
757-TLP241AD4LF1F Toshiba MOSFET输出光电耦合器 Photorelay 1-Form-A VOFF=40V 2.0A .15Ohm
Analog DevicesLTC7880IUKG#PBF 默认Thumbnail
584-LTC7880IUKG#PBF Analog Devices 开关稳压器 60V Dual Step-Up Controller with DPSM
Vishay SemiconductorsSFH6206-3T 默认Thumbnail
782-SFH6206-3T Vishay Semiconductors 晶体管输出光电耦合器 Phototransistor Out AC-In CTR>100-320%
onsemi / FairchildFOD3182TV 默认Thumbnail
512-FOD3182TV onsemi / Fairchild 高速光耦合器 High Speed 3A OUT MOSFET Gate Driver
ROHM SemiconductorTLR342FJ-GE2 默认Thumbnail
Texas InstrumentsCD74HC93E 默认Thumbnail
595-CD74HC93E Texas Instruments 计数器 IC Hi-Spd CMOS Logic 4-Bit Bnry Rpl Cntr
Texas InstrumentsCD74HC93M96 默认Thumbnail
595-CD74HC93M96 Texas Instruments 计数器 IC 4-Bit Binary Ripple

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