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产品图片 产品名称 制造商 描述说明 询价
Texas InstrumentsTPA6030A4PWP 默认Thumbnail
595-TPA6030A4PWP Texas Instruments 音频放大器 Wide Supply Voltage Low Power Class-AB
Texas InstrumentsLMV1012UP-15/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LMV1012UP15NOPB Texas Instruments 传声器前置放大器 Analog input microphone preamplifier for high gain 2-wire microphones 4-DSBGA
Texas InstrumentsLM4875M/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM4875M/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 750mW Audio Pwr Amp
Texas InstrumentsLM4809MM/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM4809MM/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 105-mW, stereo, analog input headphone amplifier with active-low shutdown mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85
Texas InstrumentsPCM5142PW 默认Thumbnail
595-PCM5142PW Texas Instruments 音频数/模转换器 IC 2V RMS DIRECTPATH 112dB Audio DAC
Texas InstrumentsLM4671ITLX/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
595-LM4671ITLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 Filterless Hi Eff 2.5W Swtch Audio Amp
Texas InstrumentsTAS5508CPAG 默认Thumbnail
595-TAS5508CPAG Texas Instruments 音频 DSP 8Ch PWM Processor
Texas InstrumentsLM4808MM/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
595-LM4808MM/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 LM4808 Dual 105 Mw Headphone Amp
Texas InstrumentsPCM1773PW 默认Thumbnail
595-PCM1773PW Texas Instruments 音频数/模转换器 IC Lo-Vlt & Lo-Pwr Ster DAC w/Lineout Amp
THAT1200P08-U 默认Thumbnail
887-1200P08-U THAT 音频放大器 High-CMRR Bal Input Line Rec. 0dB DIP-8
Texas InstrumentsTPA2034D1YZFT 默认Thumbnail
595-TPA2034D1YZFT Texas Instruments 音频放大器 2.75W Mon Fully Diff Class-D Aud Amp
Texas InstrumentsLM4811MM/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM4811MM/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 Dual 105mW Headphone Amp
Texas InstrumentsLM4881M/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM4881M/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 BOOMER DUAL 200MW HEADPHONE AMP
Texas InstrumentsLM4921ITL/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM4921ITL/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 16-bit stereo DAC with 50-mW stereo headphone amp & volume control 20-DSBGA -40 to 85
Texas InstrumentsRC4580IP 默认Thumbnail
595-RC4580IP Texas Instruments 音频放大器 Dual Audio Oper Amplifiers
Texas InstrumentsTPA2000D2PWP 默认Thumbnail
595-TPA2000D2PWP Texas Instruments 音频放大器 2W Class-D
Texas InstrumentsLM4880M/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
595-LM4880M/NOPB Texas Instruments 音频放大器 Dual 200 mW Audio Pwr Amp
Texas InstrumentsPCM2705CDB 默认Thumbnail
595-PCM2705CDB Texas Instruments 音频数/模转换器 IC 98DB SNR STEREO USB2.0 FS DAC
Texas InstrumentsTPA711DR 默认Thumbnail
595-TPA711DR Texas Instruments 音频放大器 700mW Lw V Audio
Maxim IntegratedMAX9728AEUD+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX9728AEUD Maxim Integrated 音频放大器 60mW, DirectDrive, Stereo Headphone Amplifier with Shutdown

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