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产品图片 产品名称 制造商 描述说明 询价
SwissbitSFSD016GN1AM1TO-E-ZK-22P-STD 默认Thumbnail
922-608087 Swissbit 存储卡 Industrial microSD Card, S-56u, 16 GB, 3D PSLC Flash, -25C to +85C
VirtiumVTDCFBPI008G 默认Thumbnail
393-VTDCFBPI008G Virtium 存储卡 8GB,CF, Type 1,PE,SLC,Industrial Temp (-40 to 85 C)
Maxim IntegratedDS1973-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1973-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 4Kb EEPROM iButton
Maxim IntegratedDS1996L-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1996L-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 64Kb Memory iButton
Maxim IntegratedDS1922T-F5# 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1922T-F5#- Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 Temperature Logger iButton with 8KB Datalog Memory
Maxim IntegratedDS1995L-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1995L-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 16Kb Memory iButton
Maxim IntegratedDS1971-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1971-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 256-Bit EEPROM iButton
GreenliantGLS93MQ256G4-W-BZ804 默认Thumbnail
804-3MQ256G4-W-BZ804 Greenliant 存储卡 256GB microSD Card (QLC 0.6K) V30 W-TEMP
Maxim IntegratedDS1977-F5# 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1977-F5#- Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 Password-Protected 32KB EEPROM iButton
Maxim IntegratedDS1922E-F5# 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1922E-F5#- Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 High-Temperature Logger iButton with 8KB Data-Log Memory
Maxim IntegratedDS1992L-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1992L-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 1Kb/4Kb Memory iButton
Maxim IntegratedDS1982-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1982-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 1Kb Add-Only iButton
AdvantechSQF-MSDM1-4G-21C 默认Thumbnail
923-SQFMSDM14G21C Advantech 存储卡 SQF Micro SD C10 MLC 4G, 1CH (-25~85C)
Maxim IntegratedDS1922L-F5# 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1922L-F5# Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 Temperature Logger iButton with 8KB Datalog Memory
Maxim IntegratedDS1961S-F5+ 默认Thumbnail
700-DS1961S-F5 Maxim Integrated iButton及附件 1kb Protected EEPROM iButton with SHA-1 Engine
MicronMT16KTF1G64HZ-1G9P1 默认Thumbnail
340-266930 Micron 存储器模块 DDR3 8GB SODIMM
ApacerAP-ISD004GCA-1HTM 默认Thumbnail
908-APISD004GCA1HTM Apacer 存储卡 Industrial SD H1-M MLC 4GB 15nm
MicronMTSD032AHC6MS-1WT 默认Thumbnail
340-381243-TRAY Micron 存储卡 Micro SD 32GB SD Card
ATP ElectronicsAF4GSDI-WADXM 默认Thumbnail
162-AF4GSDI-WADXM ATP Electronics 存储卡 SDHC Industrial Grade 4GB
ApacerAP-MSD16GCA-1HTM 默认Thumbnail
908-AP-MSD16GCA-1HTM Apacer 存储卡 Industrial microSDHC H1-M MLC 16GB 15nm

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