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  • Security ICs / Authentication ICs

    Security ICs / Authentication ICs

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    Product image Product name Manufacturer Explain Enquiries
    NXP SemiconductorsMF1PH2230DA8/00J 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF1PH2230DA8/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF1PH2230DA8
    NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH8300DA8/00J 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF3DH8300DA8/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH8300DA8
    Microchip TechnologyATSHA204A-MAHDA-S 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATSHA204A-MAHDAS Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs SHA256, I2C, 8-UDFN, 3K REEL
    Infineon TechnologiesSLB9645TT12FW13333XUMA2 默认Thumbnail
    726-SLB9645T12FW13A2 Infineon Technologies Security ICs / Authentication ICs TPM
    NXP SemiconductorsSE050B2HQ1/Z01SFZ 默认Thumbnail
    771-SE050B2HQ1Z01SFZ NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs RSA, AES, 3DES
    NXP SemiconductorsA1007TL/TA4STZ 默认Thumbnail
    771-A1007TL/TA4STZ NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs A1007TL
    Infineon TechnologiesSLS32AIA020X4USON10XTMA4 默认Thumbnail
    726-SLS32AIA020X4MA4 Infineon Technologies Security ICs / Authentication ICs OPTIGA TRUST
    Microchip TechnologyATECC508A-MAHDA-T 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATECC508A-MAHDAT Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs ECDH/ECC 10Kb 8ld UDFN I2C, T&R
    Microchip TechnologyATECC108A-MAHDA-T 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATECC108A-MAHDAT Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs Crypto Products, ECC 8kb
    Microchip TechnologyATECC508A-RBHCZ-T 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATECC508A-RBHCZT Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs ECC 10Kb 3-CONTACT, SWI, T&R
    NXP SemiconductorsMF1PH4200DA8/00J 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF1PH4200DA8/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF1PH4200DA8
    NXP SemiconductorsMF1P2201DUD/00Z 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF1P2201DUD/00Z NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF1P2201DUD
    Microchip TechnologyAT97SC3204T-X2A17-00 默认Thumbnail
    556-AT97SC3204TX2A17 Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs C7B HARI 44MM TWI CEK
    NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH4301DUD/00Z 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF3DH4301DUD/00Z NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH4301DUD
    NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH2301DUD/00Z 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF3DH2301DUD/00Z NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH2301DUD
    NXP SemiconductorsMF3D23C0DA4/00J 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF3D23C0DA4/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3D23C0DA4
    NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH2300DA4/00J 默认Thumbnail
    771-MF3DH2300DA4/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH2300DA4
    Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608A-SSHDA-B 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATECC608ASSHDAB Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs ECC/ECDSA/ECDHE I2C SOIC Bulk
    Microchip TechnologyATECC508A-SSHDA-T 默认Thumbnail
    556-ATECC508A-SSHDAT Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs ECDH/ECC 10Kb Generic I2C
    Microchip TechnologyAT97SC3204-U2MA10B 默认Thumbnail
    556-T97SC3204U2MA10B Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs TPM LPC, IND, 40-MLF, UNSIGNED EK

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