Wireless & RF Integrated Circuits

Wireless & RF Integrated Circuits

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Product image Product name Manufacturer Explain Enquiries
SemtechSX1302IMLTRT 默认Thumbnail
947-SX1302IMLTRT Semtech RF Transceiver LoRa Gateway Baseband Transceiver
Texas InstrumentsAWR2243ABGABLQ1 默认Thumbnail
595-AWR2243ABGABLQ1 Texas Instruments RF Transceiver 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive second-generation high-performance MMIC 161-FC/CSP -40 to 140
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.SKY85347-11 默认Thumbnail
873-SKY85347-11 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. RF Front End 801.11ax 2.4GHz Medium Power FEM
QorvoCMD181K3 默认Thumbnail
772-CMD181K3 Qorvo RF Mixer 30-45GHz DB Mixer
Mini-CircuitsZX76-31A-PPS+ 默认Thumbnail
139-ZX76-31APPS Mini-Circuits Attenuators DGTL STEP ATTEN / SMA / 31DB
QorvoQPF4211SR 默认Thumbnail
772-QPF4211SR Qorvo RF Front End 2GHz Wi-Fi 6 Front End Module
Maxim IntegratedMAX2014ETA+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX2014ETA+ Maxim Integrated RF Detector 50MHz to 1000MHz, 75dB Logarithmic Detector/Controller
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.SI4692-A10-AM 默认Thumbnail
873-SI4692-A10-AM Skyworks Solutions, Inc. RF Receiver
QorvoQPF5010 默认Thumbnail
772-QPF5010 Qorvo RF Front End X-Band 10W FEM, OVM
STMicroelectronicsST25DV04KC-IE8C3 默认Thumbnail
511-ST25DV04KC-IE8C3 STMicroelectronics NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 4-Kbit EEPROM, and fast transfer mode capability
STMicroelectronicsST25TV02KC-TFH3 默认Thumbnail
511-ST25TV02KC-TFH3 STMicroelectronics NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders NFC Type 5 / RFID tag IC with EEPROM up to 2.5-Kbit, identification & protection
STMicroelectronicsST25DV64KC-JF8D3 默认Thumbnail
511-ST25DV64KC-JF8D3 STMicroelectronics NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 64-Kbit EEPROM, and fast transfer mode capability
Mini-CircuitsTAV1-551+ 默认Thumbnail
139-TAV1-551+ Mini-Circuits RF Amplifier MMIC AMPLIFIER
Analog DevicesADPA1107ACPZN 默认Thumbnail
584-ADPA1107ACPZN Analog Devices RF Amplifier 4.8 - 6.0 GHz 30W GaN PA
STMicroelectronicsST25DV04KC-IE8T3 默认Thumbnail
511-ST25DV04KC-IE8T3 STMicroelectronics NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 4-Kbit EEPROM, and fast transfer mode capability
NXP SemiconductorsPN7160B1HN/C100E 默认Thumbnail
771-PN7160B1HN/C100E NXP Semiconductors NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders NFC Plug and Play Controller with Integrated Firmware and NCI Interface
QorvoQPF7551SR 默认Thumbnail
772-QPF7551SR Qorvo RF Front End 5GHz Wi-Fi 6 UNII1-2a integrated Front E
STMicroelectronicsST25DV04KC-IE8S3 默认Thumbnail
511-ST25DV04KC-IE8S3 STMicroelectronics NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 4-Kbit EEPROM, and fast transfer mode capability
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.SI47962A0GE1AM 默认Thumbnail
873-SI47962A0GE1AM Skyworks Solutions, Inc. RF Receiver
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.SKY12248-492LF 默认Thumbnail
873-SKY12248-492LF Skyworks Solutions, Inc. RF Switch ICs High-Power SPDT Switch

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