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Product image Product name Manufacturer Explain Enquiries
Maxim IntegratedMAX6954AAX+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX6954AAX Maxim Integrated LED Display Drivers 4-Wire Interfaced, 2.7V to 5.5V LED Display Driver with I/O Expander and Key Scan
Texas InstrumentsDLPC910ZYR 默认Thumbnail
595-DLPC910ZYR Texas Instruments Display Drivers & Controllers DLPC910 Digital Controller for the DLP9000X DMD 676-FCBGA
Maxim IntegratedMAX8520ETP+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX8520ETP Maxim Integrated Display Drivers & Controllers Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules
Maxim IntegratedMAX6969AUG+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX6969AUGT Maxim Integrated LED Display Drivers 16-Port, 5.5V Constant-Current LED Driver
Maxim IntegratedMAX1910EUB+T 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX1910EUBT Maxim Integrated LED Lighting Drivers 1.5x/2x High-Efficiency White LED Charge Pumps
ROHM SemiconductorBD81A74EFV-ME2 默认Thumbnail
755-BD81A74EFV-ME2 ROHM Semiconductor LED Lighting Drivers 4 CH CONSTANT-CURRENT DRIVER
Monolithic Power Systems (MPS)MP3398EGS-P 默认Thumbnail
946-MP3398EGS-P Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) LED Lighting Drivers 4-String, Max 400mA/String, 80V Return,Step-Up, WLED Controller
Monolithic Power Systems (MPS)MPQ24833-BGN-AEC1-P 默认Thumbnail
946-MPQ24833BGNAEC1P Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) LED Lighting Drivers Industrial/Automotive-Grade 55V, 3A, LED Driver, AEC-Q100 Qualified
Microchip TechnologyHV6810WG-G 默认Thumbnail
689-HV6810WG-G Microchip Technology Display Drivers & Controllers HVCMOS 10Chl Latched
Maxim IntegratedMAX16836ASA+ 默认Thumbnail
700-MAX16836ASA+ Maxim Integrated LED Lighting Drivers High-Voltage, 350mA, High-Brightness LED Driver with PWM Dimming and 5VRegulator
Texas InstrumentsLM3532TME-40A/NOPB 默认Thumbnail
926-LM3532TME40ANOPB Texas Instruments LED Lighting Drivers High efficiency white LED driver with programmable Ambient Light Sensing Capability and I2C Compati 16-DSBGA -40 to 125
onsemiCAV4016HV6-T2 默认Thumbnail
863-CAV4016HV6-T2 onsemi LED Lighting Drivers LED DR 16 CH 4WIRE I/F
Maxim IntegratedICM7218CIQI+ 默认Thumbnail
700-ICM7218CIQI Maxim Integrated LED Display Drivers 8-Digit, Multiplexed, LED Decoder Driver
Diodes IncorporatedAL1663RS-13 默认Thumbnail
621-AL1663RS-13 Diodes Incorporated LED Lighting Drivers LED Offline Driver
Microchip TechnologyHV857LK7-G 默认Thumbnail
689-HV857LK7-G Microchip Technology Display Drivers & Controllers Low Noise High Voltage EL Lamp
ROHM SemiconductorBD2808MUV-ME2 默认Thumbnail
755-BD2808MUV-ME2 ROHM Semiconductor LED Lighting Drivers 24ch LED Drvr IC w/2line Serial Infce
Epson ICsS1D13513F01A100 默认Thumbnail
732-S1D13513F01A100 Epson ICs Display Drivers & Controllers (SVGA) 800x600 LCD Controller
ROHM SemiconductorBD9394FP-E2 默认Thumbnail
755-BD9394FP-E2 ROHM Semiconductor LED Lighting Drivers White LED Driver for large LCD Panels (DCDC Converter type)
Renesas / IntersilTW8832S-LB1-CR 默认Thumbnail
968-TW8832S-LB1-CR Renesas / Intersil Display Drivers & Controllers TW8832S-LB1-CR TFT DISPLAY CNTRLR
Analog DevicesLT3519EMS-2#PBF 默认Thumbnail
584-LT3519EMS-2#PBF Analog Devices LED Lighting Drivers LED Driver with Integrated Schottky Diode

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