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Product image Product name Manufacturer Explain Enquiries
Microchip TechnologyAT17LV002-10JU 默认Thumbnail
556-AT17LV00210JU Microchip Technology FPGA - Configuration Memory CONFIG SERIAL EEPROM 2M 3.3V-10 MHZ
Microchip TechnologyAT40K40AL-1BQU 默认Thumbnail
556-AT40K40AL-1BQU Microchip Technology FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 3.3V 1ns
Microchip TechnologyATF22LV10CQZ-30SU 默认Thumbnail
556-AF22LV10CQZ-30SU Microchip Technology EEPLD - Electronically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices 500 GT 3.3-5V SPLY ZERO/QRTR PWR-30NS
LatticeLCMXO2-256HC-4UMG64I 默认Thumbnail
842-2256HC4UMG64I Lattice FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 256 LUTs 45 I/O 3.3V 4 SPEED
LatticeLC4032ZC-5TN48C 默认Thumbnail
842-LC4032ZC5TN48C Lattice CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Devices PROGRAMMABLE SUPER FAST HI DENSITY PLD
Dialog SemiconductorSLG46721V 默认Thumbnail
724-SLG46721V Dialog Semiconductor SPLD - Simple Programmable Logic Devices GPAK Mixed Signal Matrix
Microchip Technology / AtmelMPF100T-FCSG325E 默认Thumbnail
494-MPF100T-FCSG325E Microchip Technology / Atmel FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 7.8Mb 4 TransCh 250Mbps-12.7Gbps
LatticeLCMXO2-7000HC-6FTG256I 默认Thumbnail
842-27000HC6FTG256I Lattice FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 6864 LUTs 207 I/O 3.3V 6 SPEED
Microchip Technology / AtmelATF16V8B-10JU 默认Thumbnail
556-AF16V8B10JU Microchip Technology / Atmel EEPLD - Electronically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices 10 ns 20 I/O Pins 8 macorcells 8 reg
Microchip Technology / AtmelAT17LV512-10JU 默认Thumbnail
556-AT17LV51210JU Microchip Technology / Atmel FPGA - Configuration Memory CONFIG SERIAL EEPROM 512K ALTERA PINOUT
Dialog SemiconductorSLG47004V 默认Thumbnail
724-SLG47004V Dialog Semiconductor SPLD - Simple Programmable Logic Devices Analog GreenPAK
Dialog SemiconductorSLG46621V 默认Thumbnail
402-SLG46621V Dialog Semiconductor SPLD - Simple Programmable Logic Devices Dual Supply GreenPAK 4
Microchip Technology / AtmelATF1508ASL-25JU84 默认Thumbnail
556-AF1508ASL25JU84 Microchip Technology / Atmel EEPLD - Electronically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices CPLD 128 MACROCELL w/ISP LOW PWR 5V
Microchip Technology / AtmelATF1508AS-7JX84 默认Thumbnail
556-ATF1508AS-7JX84 Microchip Technology / Atmel EEPLD - Electronically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices 128 MC CPLD 7NS IND TEMP GRN
LatticeLFXP2-40E-7FN672C 默认Thumbnail
842-LFXP240E7FN672C Lattice FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 40KLUTs 540 I/O Inst -on DSP 1.2V -7 Spd
Microchip Technology / AtmelM2GL010T-FGG484I 默认Thumbnail
494-M2GL010T-FGG484I Microchip Technology / Atmel FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array M2GL010T-FGG484I
LatticeICE40UL1K-CM36AITR1K 默认Thumbnail
842-40UL1KCM36AITR1K Lattice FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA iCE40-UltraLite 1.2V CBGA PKG
LatticeiCE40HX4K-TQ144 默认Thumbnail
842-ICE40HX4K-TQ144 Lattice FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array iCE40HX 3520 LUTs 1.2V Ultra Low-Power
Microchip Technology / AtmelATF16V8BQL-15JU 默认Thumbnail
556-AF16V8BQL15JU Microchip Technology / Atmel EEPLD - Electronically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices 15NS, PLCC, IND TEMP, GREEN
Microchip Technology / AtmelATF1504AS-10JU84 默认Thumbnail
556-AF1504AS10JU84 Microchip Technology / Atmel CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Devices CPLD 64 MACROCELL w/ISP STD PWR 5V

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