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Product image Product name Manufacturer Explain Enquiries
Maxim IntegratedDS2476BQ+T 默认Thumbnail
700-DS2476BQ+T Maxim Integrated Security ICs / Authentication ICs DeepCover Secure Coprocessor
Maxim IntegratedDS28C39Q+T 默认Thumbnail
700-DS28C39Q+T Maxim Integrated Security ICs / Authentication ICs I2C PUF ECDSA Authenticator
Microchip TechnologyAT88SC0104CA-MPTG 默认Thumbnail
556-AT88SC0104CAMPTG Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs CRYPTOMEMORY 1-KBIT 4 ZONE
Microchip TechnologyAT97SC3204-X2A1A10B 默认Thumbnail
556-97SC3204X2A1A10B Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs TPM LPC,COMM,4.4MM 28TSSOP, UNSIGNED EK
Microchip TechnologyMCS3122-I/ST 默认Thumbnail
579-MCS3122IST Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs Advanced Encorder
Microchip TechnologyAT97SC3205-X3A15-20 默认Thumbnail
556-A97SC3205X3A1520 Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs FF Com SPI TPM 4.4mm TSSOP SEKFF
Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608B-MAHDA-T 默认Thumbnail
579-TECC608B-MAHDA-T Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs ECC/ECDH, I2C, 15K reel UDFN
Texas InstrumentsCD74HC192E 默认Thumbnail
595-CD74HC192E Texas Instruments Counter ICs Hi-Sp CMOS Pre Sync Up/Dwn w/ASync Reset
Texas InstrumentsCD74HC4040E 默认Thumbnail
595-CD74HC4040E Texas Instruments Counter ICs 12 Stage Binary
Texas InstrumentsCD74HCT163E 默认Thumbnail
595-CD74HCT163E Texas Instruments Counter ICs Prest Sync 4bit UpDn
NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH4300DA4/00J 默认Thumbnail
771-MF3DH4300DA4/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH4300DA4
NXP SemiconductorsMF3DH23C0DA4/00J 默认Thumbnail
771-MF3DH23C0DA4/00J NXP Semiconductors Security ICs / Authentication ICs MF3DH23C0DA4
Maxim IntegratedDS2401X-S+T 默认Thumbnail
700-DS2401X-S+T Maxim Integrated Security ICs / Authentication ICs 1-WIRE 64 bit ROM, Solder Bump
Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608B-TNGTLSU-B 默认Thumbnail
579-C608BTNGTLSUB Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs LoRaWAN CryptoAuthentication Device
Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608B-TNGTLSS-C 默认Thumbnail
579-C608BTNGTLSSC Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs LoRaWAN CryptoAuthentication Device
Maxim IntegratedDS28C40G/V+U 默认Thumbnail
700-DS28C40G/V+U Maxim Integrated Security ICs / Authentication ICs DeepCover Automotive Authenticator
Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608B-TNGTLSU-C 默认Thumbnail
579-C608BTNGTLSUC Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs LoRaWAN CryptoAuthentication Device
Maxim IntegratedDS28CM00R-A00+U 默认Thumbnail
700-DS28CM00R-A00+U Maxim Integrated Security ICs / Authentication ICs I 2C/SMBus Silicon Serial Number
Microchip Technology / AtmelATECC608B-TNGLORAU-G 默认Thumbnail
579-C608BTNGLORAUG Microchip Technology / Atmel Security ICs / Authentication ICs LoRaWAN CryptoAuthentication Device
Microchip TechnologyATECC608B-TFLXTLSU-PROTO 默认Thumbnail
579-608BTFXTLSUPROTO Microchip Technology Security ICs / Authentication ICs Trust Flex TLS, Provisioned Proto Typing, 8-UDFN, I2C, (10 bulk)

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